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Writer's pictureRoyce Laguerta

How to Harness the Power of Your Thoughts for Fitness and Life Success

In fitness, we choose the stressors we encounter — the weights we lift, the miles we run. But when it comes to life, the stress is often out of our control, handed to us by the universe or by circumstances. So how do we build the mental toughness to handle whatever life throws our way?

The key lies in understanding the power of your thoughts. Most of us experience about 60,000 to 70,000 thoughts a day, 80% of which are negative and repetitive. These thoughts shape your reality. If you constantly think the same way, you’ll continue to experience the same outcomes. But if you learn to observe and change your thoughts, you can change your life — your weight, performance, and overall well-being.

The Thought Download

A great tool to start changing your mindset is a thought download. Simply write down any thoughts that come to mind, without judging or analyzing them. This exercise creates space between you and your thoughts, allowing you to release some of the emotional weight they carry. After a thought download, you may even feel physically tired, which demonstrates just how mentally and emotionally heavy our thoughts can be.

By practicing this, you become aware of how much your thoughts influence your emotions and actions. Once you understand the process, you can begin to reframe your thoughts and create better outcomes.

The Model: Understanding Your Thought Framework

One effective method for managing your thoughts is called the CTFAR model:

  • C – Circumstances (neutral facts)

  • T – Thoughts (your narrative about the circumstances)

  • F – Feelings (emotions created by your thoughts)

  • A – Actions (what you do or don’t do as a result of your feelings)

  • R – Results (the outcomes shaped by your actions)

This model shows that while you can’t always control your circumstances, you can control how you respond to them. Your thoughts and feelings are what drive your actions and ultimately determine your results.

Neutral Thinking: A Powerful Tool for Change

Before jumping to positive thinking, start by embracing **neutral thinking**. When faced with a challenging situation, try saying, “It is what it is.” This simple thought brings a sense of peace and detachment, allowing you to analyze the situation without being overwhelmed by emotions. Neutral thinking opens the door to curiosity and problem-solving, which helps you move toward positive change.

For example, stepping on the scale and seeing a weight you didn’t expect can trigger negative thoughts like, “I’m a failure.” Instead, practice neutrality: “It is what it is.” This creates space to reflect on your habits and take constructive actions, like adjusting your diet or exercise plan.

The Power of Positive Thinking

Once you’ve mastered neutral thinking, you can move on to **positive reframing**. Instead of seeing the scale as a source of defeat, you might think, “I haven’t seen this weight since junior high!” This thought creates excitement and joy, motivating you to take action that aligns with your fitness goals.

Your thoughts are incredibly powerful. Learning how to manage and change them can transform not only your fitness journey but also your life. By practicing thought downloads, using the CTFAR model, and embracing neutral and positive thinking, you can take control of your mindset and unlock new levels of success in every area of life.

-Coach Royce

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