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Writer's pictureRoyce Laguerta

How do I build my consistency?

Staying consistent on a fitness journey can feel like a daunting task, but shifting your mindset can make a huge difference. So how do I build my consistency?

One helpful analogy is to think of your path to better health as a flowing river. Just as a river nurtures the land around it and constantly moves forward, your consistent actions can lead to long-term results. Let’s explore how this river metaphor applies to fitness and how you can harness it to create lasting change.

How do I build my consistency?

1. Consistency is Like a Flowing River

A river flows continuously, and over time, that steady movement shapes the land around it. In the same way, showing up consistently for your workouts, making healthy food choices, and prioritizing your wellness will lead to lasting results. However, just as rivers encounter obstacles—rocks, branches, and debris—our fitness journeys have challenges.

Action Steps: Identify and Remove Obstacles

  • Take 10 minutes to write down the obstacles that are preventing you from being consistent. Is it time? Lack of energy? Distractions at home?

  • Now, find one or two practical solutions. If evening workouts keep getting derailed, try a morning workout routine or schedule shorter sessions when you have gaps in your day.

  • Set an action plan: Block out time in your calendar for exercise, just like you would for a meeting. Treat it as non-negotiable.

2. Rivers Are Shaped by Storms

Just as a river’s path is carved out by storms and harsh weather, your fitness journey is shaped by the challenges you face along the way. These challenges—whether it’s a difficult workout or a busy schedule—help you grow stronger and more resilient.

Action Steps: Embrace Challenges

  • Choose one fitness challenge that feels tough but doable. This could be signing up for a 30-day workout program, increasing your reps, or committing to trying a challenging program like 75 Hard.

  • When you face obstacles (e.g., skipped workouts or cravings), practice reframing them. Instead of seeing them as setbacks, view them as opportunities for growth. Write down one positive takeaway from each challenge you encounter.

  • Set weekly goals: Instead of focusing on perfection, aim for small, achievable goals like working out 4 times this week or swapping one unhealthy snack for a healthier one. Celebrate those wins!

3. Stop Swimming Upstream

Negativity can feel like you’re constantly swimming against the current. Too often, people approach their fitness journeys with self-criticism. Think about how you speak to yourself: would you tell a loved one the same hurtful things you sometimes say to yourself? Phrases like “I hate my belly fat” or “I’ll never get fit” only create mental resistance, making the process feel harder than it needs to be.

Action Steps: Practice Self-Compassion

  • Start by paying attention to your self-talk. Over the next few days, notice any negative thoughts you have about yourself and your body.

  • Replace negative thoughts with positive affirmations. For example, instead of “I’ll never get fit,” say, “I’m working on becoming healthier every day.” Write down three positive affirmations and say them daily.

  • At the end of each week, reflect on your progress and give yourself credit for what you’ve achieved, no matter how small.

4. Embrace the Flow

Consistency in fitness is not about perfection, but about steady progress—just like a river doesn’t rush but still makes an impact. By eliminating distractions, embracing challenges, and practicing self-compassion, you’ll be better equipped to stay on course and reach your goals.

Action Steps: Create a Weekly Review Routine

  • Every Sunday, take 15 minutes to review your week. What worked well? What obstacles did you face? What can you improve next week?

  • Set small, actionable goals for the upcoming week to keep your momentum going.

Your fitness journey is shaped by the choices you make daily, and just like a flowing river, those small, consistent efforts will create lasting change over time.

Stay in the flow, embrace the process, and keep moving forward.

Coach Royce

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